tips and tricks
Shiny seeds, Fungi, Bacteria, Toxins and Concentrates, what does your bird eat?
As most might know our birds have a very special ... and unique digestive system, this makes them sensitive to certain foods, so it is very important to give the right food.
In the past many birds ate from the pot, and were very old with this, logical! In the past, mothers still cooked with butter, a piece of meat, a potato, vegetables and during the day sometimes a piece of fruit, in short a very varied diet! Animal protein, plant, fiber, vitamin, minerals, and often all pure nature!
There were no dyes, E numbers, preservatives, powder bags, microwave meals, baking butter, processed meat or artificial food. Everything was pure nature, but nowadays it is different with the diet for humans. For that reason, the pot is fed with, no longer of this time, and even dangerous for our birds.
Many people are looking for the "cleanest" food, but often this is precisely what puts them on the wrong track, because what is clean food? Many people will look at their own food from the supermarket and find that clean food, but nothing is less true!
In the case of seeds, it is actually the same, sometimes stored for years, before packaging the seeds are treated with wax or oil to make them shine, it is simply the case that shiny things sell better, and are then packaged with a preservation gas to prevent insects. chance to give, but is it healthy?
We have discovered through our own research that preservative gas reacts with the seeds, and here can drastically change the nutritional value. And what about that glimmer? Well, a seed always has a porous dish, this is to get oxygen and moisture at the core as soon as it has to germinate. Seeds can contain a fungus internally, and this is also not prevented, but by spraying seeds you can make it worse! You close the porous skin with oil or wax, the seed does not breathe anymore and because of this fun molds can get the upper hand because the fungus does not dry out anymore and the seed fades, but we have created an ideal closed breeding area for the spraying the fungi.
To name a few examples: Nuts for human consumption can sometimes be stored in storage for years, in this store there are mold spores everywhere, so these are on almost all nuts. (we are talking about the fungus that everyone always talks about with Peanuts) this fungus, produces the harmful toxin Aflatoxin, which comes loose during transport and storage. Not only peanuts but almost all other nuts, seeds, grains, and sometimes fruit or vegetables also contain this mold. A bird that receives a varied diet will therefore never be able to get too much of this substance and therefore no fungal infections will occur. What used to happen a lot, unfortunately, was that parrots were fed a lot of peanuts because it is an easy and cheap to obtain nut. As a result, they often ate too unilaterally and an aflatoxin poisoning occurred. A bird that gets a wide variety will never run the risk. In this way we can remove a big myth that peanuts would be dangerous, everything in moderation and nowhere too much, everything can be dosed!
In addition, the point is that many foods for human consumption often get a chemical, heating, or preservation treatment to make it suitable for our consumption, often not even to make the product healthier, but purely to make it more beautiful so that it looks clean and therefore sells. But these treatments are often not in favor of the nutritional value or health, and is that food still safe for a sensitive crook? We mention examples such as a chlorine or ammonia bath to bleach or clean, heating palm oil for example, causing toxins or adding dyes or concentrates to the food.
And then we have the just-appointed Concentrates, these all that we find in certain snacks of our birds, such as rodents or gnaw balls, pellets, supplements or porridge. We use these concentrates as people for years, we extract certain substances from food, and make a concentrated variant of it, which can then be used for us as a medication or as a supplement. Unfortunately, our birds can not handle these types of concentrates, overdoses happen quickly, with the result that the liver and kidneys run overtime and thus cause long-term health ailments.
All these things have been reason for us to go our own way, where it is possible we try to import seeds ourselves, import nuts, offer nature-faithful food such as sugar cane and palm nuts, and we have developed a natural substitute for the pellet. , a mixture specially tailored to the needs of our birds. We do not use preservatives, do not treat our products to make them more beautiful, and have a strict quality selection when it comes to suppliers. We stand for natural food, produced and assembled as naturally as possible, we always advise to feed as varied as possible, and not to use concentrates. A varied natural diet prevents substances from accumulating in organs, overdosing is not possible, and it keeps a bird healthy and strong, so they can also handle more. A bird that becomes sick of a moldy nut, already has a weakened health, otherwise birds in the wild would fall over with tufts since every food source contains some fungal spores or bacteria.
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