Amazon parrots

In this chapter you will find a selection of products for your amazon parrots.

There any many species of amazon parrots, living in a very wide area in south america, their needs are different, mostly you can see it on the shape of the amazon parrot, long and tail the fly a lot and using and taking energie on a different way, the more round and looking more heavy, are living in a area with alot of trees and enough off feeds such as fruit , nuts leafes, insects and small reptieles, dont hesitate to contact us if you have any qeustions.

  • Papaya 500 gr

    Papaya can be found in most jungles and sub-tropical areas where only one tree can grow. Especially South American parrots like to enjoy themselves here and...
  • Mango 500 gr

    A real Asian jungle fruit! There are not many parrot specieswho find this fruit in their habitat but almost everyparrot loved to eat this treat! Overall...
  • Apricot 500 gr

    These  apricot pieces are dried but still soft and full of fiber, vitamins and minerals! The origin of this fruit lies in the northern and eastern Afric...
  • Pumpkinmix 300 gr

    Vogeljungle have developed, to the highest possible standard, this range  Delicatessen , which includes some nutritionally balanced species specifi...
  • Quick Gourmet 300 gr

    Just hot water and ready! The original recipe of Vogeljungle .. so only safe and healthy ingredients! ​We wait 10 minutes, but we know everyone has their ow...
  • fruit and veggie mix 350 gr

    A superb mix of the Vogeljungle which includes 4 different vegetables and 6 fruits. You can feed dry or soak briefly in water. Very useful for encouraging yo...
  • Berrie mixture 500 gr

    this mix was developed to help overweight Parrots. It includes Juniper, Rosehips, Crann berries, Strawberry and fruits such as , Apple, Mango, Pap...
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