Amazon parrots

In this chapter you will find a selection of products for your amazon parrots.

There any many species of amazon parrots, living in a very wide area in south america, their needs are different, mostly you can see it on the shape of the amazon parrot, long and tail the fly a lot and using and taking energie on a different way, the more round and looking more heavy, are living in a area with alot of trees and enough off feeds such as fruit , nuts leafes, insects and small reptieles, dont hesitate to contact us if you have any qeustions.

  • Quick Gourmet 1 kg

    This Quick Gourmet mix of the Vogeljungle is the answer to the question ofbreeders for a healthy and safe vegetable / bean mixture and where the chicks eat v...
  • Cranberry 100 gr

    The cranberry we provide is dried in a natural way that it contains a lot of vitamin C and minerals. Because birds create under the influence of daylight vit...
  • Pumpkinmix1 kg

    Vogeljungle have developed, to the highest possible standard, this range  Delicatessen , which includes some nutritionally balanced species specifi...
  • Berrie mixture 1 kg

    this mix was developed to help overweight Parrots. It includes Juniper, Rosehips, Crann berries, Strawberry and fruits such as , Apple, Mango, Pap...
  • Nut and fruit mixture 1 kg

    Vogeljungle have developed, to the highest possible standard, this healthy range  “Delicatessen” mixtures wich will provide extra ...
  • Habitat South America mixture 2 kg

    This protein, vegetables, fruits and nuts mix is perfectly balanced for the Australian parrots. By using habitat Oceania products will parrots (lar...
  • nibble sticks ca 100 gr

    Nice nibbling and scraping ... what does a parrot prefer rather than that! These fresh sticks are rich in minerals so that it is also healthy next to a nic...
  • Amandelen Gepeld 100 gram

    Het hoge gehalte aan vit. E is zeer bijzonder in de amandel, zeker onder de kwekers! De verhouding calcium en fosfor is goed in balans, zodat deze noot ook ...
  • Almonds peeled 250 gr

    Het hoge gehalte aan vit. E is zeer bijzonder in de amandel, zeker onder de kwekers! De verhouding calcium en fosfor is goed in balans, zodat deze noot ook ...
  • Papaya 1 kg

    Papaya vindt je terug in de meeste oerwouden en sub-tropische gebieden waar maar een boom kan groeien. Vooral Zuid-Amerikaanse papegaaien doen zich hier gra...
  • Mango 1 kg

    Een echte aziatische oerwoudvrucht!  Er zijn niet heel veel papegaai-achtigen die deze vrucht in hun habitat tegenkomen maar vrijwel iedere kromsnavel ...
  • mango 250 gr

    Many parrot- species love this  mango fruit! A healthy and exotic treat for small and large parrots. Store cool and dry ..of course Consumer Qual...
Total 37 - 48 of 101